
Middlebury Police Log: Man cited for unlawful mischief

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Jacob Jimmo, 37, of Lincoln on multiple charges on June 5 following an investigation into an incident at a Seminary Street home.

Police cited Jimmo for unlawful mischief, leaving the scene of an accident and driving with a criminally suspended license.

In other action last week, Middlebury police:

  • Quieted a loud party at a Monroe Street home on May 30.
  • Assisted state police on May 30 with reports of fireworks being set off at the Weybridge/Middlebury town line, near Pulp Mill Bridge Road.
  • Quieted a loud party in the North Pleasant Street area on May 30.
  • Checked on a report of a person driving erratically on North Pleasant Street on May 30.
  • Responded to a report of a verbal dispute between two people on Route 7 South on May 30. Police said the people in question had left upon their arrival.
  • Received a report about a person either asleep or needing help inside a car parked off Seymour Street on May 30. Police checked the vehicle and learned that the “person” was in fact a rescue mannequin belted in the front seat.
  • Responded to a report of an injured cyclist on the Seymour Street Extension area on May 31.
  • Received a report on May 31 of local homes being “egged.”
  • Received information on May 31 about Middlebury Union High School students allegedly sharing sexual images.
  • Responded to a report of a man having a medical incident in the Washington Street area on May 31.
  • Provided advice to a local person seeking a no-stalking order on June 1.
  • Issued a no-trespass order on June 1 to a person on behalf of a Washington Street business.
  • Assisted a woman who was having an asthma attack on Route 7 South on June 2.
  • Broke up a verbal dispute between two men on Court Street on June 2.
  • Responded to a report of a man yelling outside of a Court Street building on June 2.
  • Helped state police, Middlebury Regional EMS and local fire officials at the scene of a vehicle crash on Route 125 in Ripton on June 3.
  • Responded to a report of a drunken man “causing issues” at an East Middlebury home on June 3.
  • Spoke with a man on June 3 who alleged people were stalking him.
  • Received complaints on June 3 about speeding vehicles on Washington Street.
  • Responded to a report of an unresponsive woman in the Court Street Extension area on June 3. Police determined Teri Schauer, 62, of Middlebury needed medical help, and MREMS officials rushed her to Porter Hospital. Police said they learned that Schauer had passed away. Police are not ascribing foul play to this case.
  • Assisted a local victim of identity theft on June 3.
  • Cited Ashleigh Hickey, 30, of Middlebury for violation of an abuse prevention order and violation of conditions of release on June 4.
  • Cited Tristan T. Coe, 26, of Middlebury for driving with a criminally suspended license following a traffic stop on Route 7 on June 4.
  • Helped a person with a possible stalking issue on June 4.
  • Received a report about loose sheep on Three Mile Bridge Road on June 4, but found none.
  • Received a call from a Halpin Road resident during the evening of June 5 who said they’d just chased off someone who’d attempted to break into their car. But police determined the would-be car burglar was a bear that had run away when the homeowner had yelled at it.
  • Received a report of “distressed swimmers” off Creek Road on June 5. Police said Middlebury fire and rescue officials responded.
  • Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with a drunken person who had been threatening self-harm in the North Pleasant Street area on June 5. Police said the person was taken to Porter Hospital.
  • Were informed of the theft of a rifle from a car parked on East Main Street on June 5. The case is under investigation.
  • Helped the parents of a local juvenile who was refusing to leave a friend’s house on June 5.
  • Served a court order on a person on Elder Hill Road in Lincoln on June 5.
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