
Middlebury Police Log: Woman cited for aggravated assault

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police on May 18 cited Breannah Crandall, 36, of Middlebury for three offenses, including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, after she allegedly pointed a firearm at people in a Court Street residence and threatened to kill them.

Police were called to the Court Street home at around 4:30 a.m. that Wednesday; officers said they found Crandall at her home, and that although she physically resisted officers while taking her into custody no one was injured.

Police also cited for Crandall for being a person prohibited from possession of a firearm and resisting arrest, and said she appeared in Addison Superior Court’s Criminal Division later in the same day to answer the charges. Crandall was held at Southern State Correctional Facility.

In other action between May 16 and 22, Middlebury police conducted 46 traffic stops and one VIN inspection, responded to six false alarms, and also:

On May 16:

  • Responded to a Route 7 South business to help with a possibly intoxicated male refusing to leave the premises.
  • Went to Daisy Lane to help an agency find a suspect in a fraud case that occurred in another town.
  • Went to Leno Lane along with Middlebury Regional EMS and the Middlebury Fire Department to help with a lift assist.
  • Accepted two cellphones found by residents.
  • Went to Pleasant Street to help MREMS with a female in a mental health crisis.
  • Received a request for speed enforcement in the Lower Plains Road neighborhood.

On May 17:

  • Served two no-trespass notices on behalf of Court Street businesses.
  • Assisted the Counseling Service of Addison County with a juvenile in Catamount Park.
  • Assisted another agency in citing a Main Street resident into court in Burlington.
  • Unsuccessfully attempted to find a man in the Court Street area to serve court paperwork.
  • Helped the Hannaford Career Center with a student “causing problems and acting aggressive with staff.”
  • Put a bicycle found on Charles Avenue into storage.
  • Aided Middlebury College Public Safety with a report of unapproved use on Golf Course Road.
  • Cited Derek Lafayette, 39, for first-degree aggravated domestic assault following a domestic disturbance call on High Street.
  • Spoke with a South Pleasant Street resident who was concerned his neighbors were trying to poison him.

On May 18:

  • Spoke with a man at the police department about a custody dispute.
  • Took a report of three Middlebury Union Middle School students that had left school grounds.
  • Served a court order upon a person at the courthouse.
  • Served a no-trespass order on behalf of a Court Street business.

On May 19:

  • Dealt with a two-vehicle crash on College Street and Old Chapel Road.
  • Looked into a report of suspicious behavior on Court Street.
  • Gave information about anti-stalking orders to a Middlebury Union High School student being harassed by a former relationship partner and also referred the incident to school administrators about behavior reported to occur at the school.
  • Helped MREMS get into a Cobble Road residence.
  • Dealt with a MUMS student caught with a vaping device and marijuana oil.

On May 20:

  • Responded to three reports of vehicles being driven erratically on Court Street Extension and on Route 7.
  • Accepted a wallet found on Court Street and returned it to its owner.
  • Responded to a minor motorcycle-versus-car crash at the intersection of Seminary and Washington streets.
  • Received a request from Route 7 South to collect firearms, but determined they were toy guns.
  • Responded to a Boardman Street family dispute but determined all was under control.

On May 21:

  • Responded to a report of a loud party near the intersection of North Pleasant and Seminary streets after 10 p.m.
  • Responded to a report of a verbal argument in the downtown area.
  • Helped the fire department at a possible emergency at a Seminary Street Extension residence.
  • Received a report of erratic driving by a motorcycle on Case Street.
  • Helped a resident get into their apartment on Washington Street.
  • Dealt with a minor two-car crash in a Court Street parking lot.
  • Helped a motorist having trouble with their vehicle on East Main Street.
  • Checked separate reports of a dog and livestock on the loose in the Upper Plains Road area.

On May 22:

  • Took a report from Airport Road of harassment over Facebook messenger.
  • Took a report of loose dogs on Case and North Pleasant streets.
  • Took a report of a loud party on Washington Street.
  • At the station heard a dispute over a civil agreement made by two parties.
  • Removed broken glass from the intersection of South Pleasant and Cross streets.
  • Took a report of the theft of a car part from Elm Street.
  • Checked the welfare of a female on Washington Street on behalf of Porter Hospital.
  • Responded to a report that an unauthorized person was using construction vehicles on Court Square, but found no one.
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