Letter to the editor: Offshore wind a good energy option for Vermont
In 2014, Burlington became the first U.S. city to be fully powered by renewable energy. Since then, renewable energy has continued to rise nationwide with Vermont helping to pave the way forward. However, while our state strives to reach a goal of 75% of our energy from renewable sources by 2032, we do have obstacles. Notably, Vermont doesn’t border the ocean so we cannot use the massive offshore wind potential available to coastal states. Still, these 850-foot-tall superstructures could provide tons of energy for Vermont if we act fast and partner with coastal states.
Offshore wind energy alone could easily power all of Vermont. In fact, an upcoming offshore wind project auction in New York for around 7 gigawatts of energy could secure our power needs 10 times over. Not only that but offshore wind could also eventually power the entire New England region. I urge residents and legislators to support embracing this sort of regional collaboration and investigate the promise of offshore wind to ensure that Vermont is fully powered by renewable energy. Just as we broke records in 2014, Vermont could pave the way for other land-locked states to benefit from offshore wind energy through collaboration and cooperation.
Kyle Matthys
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