
Letter to the editor: Disabled anglers need, deserve more state support

Several years back, a petition signed by hundreds of local citizens was sent to the legislature in Montpelier, asking to amend Vermont Fishing License regulations. A bill was proposed to provide free fishing licenses to people who meet the current legal definition of “disabled” in Vermont. The bill has not been brought up for a vote, despite the passage of several legislative sessions.

During times like these, all Vermonters need recreational outlets, and disabled people are no exception. Please consider asking your representatives in Montpelier to move this bill forward for a vote.

Additionally, current rules require that any person taking a disabled individual fishing must also have a fishing license, even if they don’t do any fishing themselves. We believe this rule does not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and think the legislature should address this, either by removing the requirement, or including caregivers of disabled people as eligible for a free fishing license.

Thank you.

Raymond Bapp

East Middlebury




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