Matthew Dickerson: Thanh and I seek steelhead in Trinity River

Standing at the edge of the Trinity River by the Rush Creek boat ramp, I watched the recently risen sun struggle to push a few beams of pale yellow light through the cotton-ball clouds rolling through the foothills of California’s Trinity Mountains.

Vt. Fish & Wildlife license and lawbook are ready

Vermont 2025 hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses, as well as the 2025 lawbooks for these activities, are now available on the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department’s website.

Matthew Dickerson: Of dams, mussels and native fish

I’ve been thinking about dams lately. I especially been thinking about their removal.

Eagle bass fishing team nets title

Mount Abraham Union High School sophomores and twins Hailey and Isayah Isham on Saturday became the 2024 Vermont High School Bass Fishing Champions. They became the seventh titlists in one of the newest official Vermont Principals’ Association sports.

Matthew Dickerson: Of fall foliage and alpine ponds

Sugar Hill Reservoir in Goshen — more commonly referred to by the name of the structure that created it, Goshen Dam — has always been one of my favorite Vermont waters to paddle a canoe and cast a fly, especially in autumn.

Matthew Dickerson: Fishing into autumn

It was my garden and yard that kept me off the local trout streams the past few weeks, along with several trees that came down on our property during Hurricane Debbie.

Get to know boat launch etiquette

With the beginning of summer and anglers fishing from shore, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department reminds people that open fires and swimming are prohibited at all Vermont state fishing access areas.

Matthew Dickerson: Floridians have good reasons to restore the Ocklawaha

The first alligator I saw in the wild was somewhat anticlimactic.

Vt. Free Fishing Day is Saturday, June 8

Vermont’s annual, statewide Summer Free Fishing Day is Saturday, June 8 this year, and it will be highlighted by a free family fishing festival in Grand Isle as well as opening day of the state’s regular bass fishing season.

Matthew Dickerson: A fisher sees the wonder of native fish

It was only my second cast of the day: a little weighted nymph imitating a mayfly larva that I drifted along the bottom of a thigh-deep hole.

Trout season opens April 13

Despite lingering snow cover in some areas of the state, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department says anglers can still have fun and be successful early in the season if they keep a few strategies in mind.

Letter to the editor: Fish & Wildlife debate missing larger picture

For background, hunting and fishing are the most important things in my life outside of my family.

Letter to the editor: Expand free fishing license eligibility

My name is Raymond Bapp and I am an adult male with intellectual disabilities. My favorite thing to do during my free time is go fishing.

Legislative Review: Clarifying the intent of the wildlife bill

Because there is quite a bit of misinformation circulating about this bill, I am urging you to look at the bill online so you can read for yourself what it does, and does not, do. 

Letter to the editor: Letter misrepresented proposed Wildlife Board bill

A recent letter to the Addison Independent included a great deal of misinformation about newly proposed legislation, S.258.