
Letter to the editor: Don’t mess with the bottle-deposit system

To the Citizens of Vermont and their Legislature:
Please do not change the bottle deposit system we now have in Vermont. The bottle deposit system of today is working. The recycling of other bottles is working. Please leave things alone.
Adding non-carbonated beverages to the deposit system will divert valuable waste plastic from the current recycling system. This will reduce income of solid waste districts and will really hurt the trash and recycling haulers financially.
Deposits on non-carbonated beverage bottles will immensely complicate our lives by making us haul huge amounts of bottles to the deposit recycling centers, a royal pain. There are already long lines of people bringing deposit bottles to collect their 5 cents. The new proposal will double or triple or more our consternation.
If you must add another hidden, infuriating tax, then just tax bottled water and other necessitudes of life.
Leave the current system alone.
Paul A. Stone

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