Vergennes Police Log for Apr. 1
VERGENNES — In recent activity, Vergennes dealt with reports that included allegedly stolen cellphones, a youth riding a loud ATV on a city street, a medical emergency, and an R-rated unwanted text message.
Between March 22 and 28, Vergennes police also conducted 10 cruiser and four foot patrols and one property watch, responded to an accidental 911 call, conducted a pre-employment fingerprint test, and also:
On March 23:
• Took a report for insurance purposes of two cellphones that had earlier allegedly been stolen from a delivery box outside a Main Street apartment.
• Took a phone call from an out-of-town resident alleging that an ex-boyfriend of a city resident had entered her apartment and stolen her cellphone, and that the alleged thief had a restraining order preventing close contact. Police learned there was no restraining order, noted that the owner of the cellphone had filed no complaint, and determined it was a false report.
On March 24 went to Ticonderoga, N.Y., to consult with police officials there about the design of that community’s proposed new police station.
On March 25:
• Responded to a complaint about a youth riding an ATV with a missing muffler on Green Street. Police could not find the youth or the ATV, but identified him and went to his home, only to find no one there. They left a phone message and are still trying to contact the family.
• Went along with the Vergennes Area Rescue Squad to the Champlain Farms convenience store to help a woman who went into labor. VARS took her to the UVM Medical Center in Burlington.
On March 26:
• Helped Vermont State Police by directing traffic at the junction of Routes 7 and 17 in New Haven Junction after railroad crossing lights malfunctioned.
• Took a report from a Vergennes Union High School staff member that air had been let out of the tires of a vehicle.
• Received a tip about illegal drug activity in the area.
On March 27:
• Went to Booth Woods to help look for an elderly man who had wandered away from a caregiver and learned on arrival he had returned home.
• Spoke to a Walker Avenue resident who had received a text message from an unknown number and discovered it contained nudity. Police advised the complainant to block the number.
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