
Letter to the editor: VGS has poor track record

In a recent issue of the Addison Independent, dated Feb. 11, 2021, you put forth an article titled “VGS faces penalties for pipeline violations.” When I saw the headlines for the article, I said to myself, “What else is new?” For the past six years, when Vermont Gas came into Addison County, Vt., there have been numerous and continuous problems with the company. The Addison Independent practically has a permanent column dedicated to VGS problems. First, there were numerous town hall meetings that opposed their coming in the county. Then there were numerous over-budget issues with the company, and now, there seems to be numerous violations against the company related to installations and service.
Isn’t there a pattern here?
If the past six years’ track record with VGS is nothing but full of problems, is this what the people of Addison County can expect for the next six years, or 10 years, or 20 years? Also, I thought that Vermont had a mission to work toward renewable energy, and hopefully become fossil-fuel independent by some future date. So why does Addison County need to install a fossil fuel system now that they will be burdened with until it pays for itself, or for someone else?
It is time that someone in Addison County stood up and said “enough is enough.” Addison County does not need these kinds of problems or headaches. If any resources are to be expended for energy for the residents then those resources should be directed towards renewable energy sources such as wind turbines, solar cells, etc. Let us have Addison County, Vt., look to a future with a cleaner energy source instead of looking forward to being burdened with constant problems and headaches from Vermont Gas.
John Mitchell
Fort Myers, Fla.

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