Middlebury Police Log: Baseball field doughnuts end in citation
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Bryce Kowalczyk, 21, of Middlebury for driving under the influence, after receiving a report at a little before 10 p.m. on Feb. 4 of a truck “going doughnuts” on the Middlebury baseball field.
Police said they measured Kowalczyk’s blood-alcohol level at 0.126%; the legal limit for driving is 0.08.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Received a report about an alleged theft from the Tractor Supply Co. store on Foote Street on Feb. 1. Police determined no theft had occurred; simply a mistake at the register.
• Spoke with Middlebury Union High School officials on Feb. 1 about a truant student.
• Investigated a minor car accident at the intersection of Case and East Main streets on Feb. 1.
• Assisted Vermont Department for Children & Families officials on Feb. 1 in investigating an alleged lewd and lascivious incident that had reportedly taken place at Middlebury Union Middle School last year.
• Helped Middlebury firefighters in their efforts to find a transformer explosion in the Seymour Street area on Feb. 1.
• Responded on Feb. 2 to a report of a dispute between two Hannaford Supermarket customers regarding the wearing of face coverings inside the store.
• Enforced the downtown winter parking ban on Mill Street on Feb. 2.
• Referred, to the Addison County Unit for Special Investigations on Feb. 3, an allegation of someone having sexual conduct with a local minor.
• Investigated a Feb. 4 report that a resident of the South Village Green apartments hadn’t been heard from for several days. Police leaned the man had been admitted to Helen Porter Rehabilitation & Nursing.
• Took into evidence on Feb. 4 a disturbing letter that had recently been received by an Exchange Street business. That letter was written by a person in Texas who claimed to be the “anti-Christ,” according to police. Police said they forwarded the letter to the Texas police department where the sender lives.
• Were informed of the theft of a Roxanne Emilo Real Estate sign from a Court Street business on Feb. 5.
• Referred, to the Counseling Service of Addison County, a man they encountered on Case Street on Feb. 5 who they said appeared to be “in a manic state.”
• Responded to a noise complaint in the South Village Green apartment complex on Feb. 6.
• Responded to a report of a person drinking on Shaw’s Supermarket property off Washington Street on Feb. 7.
• Responded to a fender-bender in a parking lot off Exchange Street on Feb. 7.
• Conducted a business check in the Court Street Extension area after a “suspicious person” was reported to be walking around behind a business in that vicinity.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with a man who had experienced a medical episode in the East Munger Street area on Feb. 7.
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