
Letter to the editor: Kramer supported in quest for ACSD board seat

I support Cornwall resident Chris Kramer for the At-Large School Board seat in the upcoming Addison County School District election on Town Meeting Day March 2. His name will be on the ballot in every town and citizens in all member towns can vote for him.
I would like to see some new faces on the school board, and Chris would provide that.
Chris reached out to me about his candidacy and we had a long talk about his experience and priorities.  What struck me is his openness to hearing all sides of the issues. He has been very involved in school district meetings since moving to Cornwall with his two young children. He is a co-leader of the Cornwall Parents Club. 
More importantly, he has some good ideas for opening up new channels of communication between the school board and community members. As someone who has followed the school consolidation process, I believe that communication has been less than ideal. We could use some new board members who are willing to shake up the current process and engage in a genuinely two-way dialogue with the public.
Fran Putnam

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