
Lincoln news for Jan. 14

LINCOLN — There are three important upcoming MAUSD Board meetings scheduled. On Wednesday, Jan. 20, there will be a special School Board meeting (Facilities) from 6-7 p.m. Another special School Board meeting (Budget) will be held on Thursday, Jan. 21, from 6-8 p.m., and on Tuesday, Jan. 26, there will be the regularly scheduled School Board meeting from 6-8 p.m. Zoom links and agendas will be made public closer to the meeting dates.
This month’s library book group read is all about the memoir. Each book group member will read any memoir of their choosing and share their book with others at a Zoom meeting on Monday, Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. There are so many great memoirs, how to choose just one? Next month the group will be back to reading the same book for discussion.
The Lincoln Coop Preschool had a GoFundMe in August to raise money for an outdoor classroom. Between donations to the fundraiser, donations through Friends of LCS, and donations sent directly to the school, we exceeded our goal.
Bag End Builders built THE most beautiful, and huge, outdoor classroom imaginable for us. Children are really into riding balance bikes, tricycles, and plasma cars in circles around the building right now! Rest time is a giant slumber party in cold weather sleeping bags.
Our stated goal was to head outdoors and stay outdoors during this pandemic. We have been 100% outside since the start of school except for being indoors on two mornings when it was zero and ten below. We run a full school day, five days a week, and have been having the best life adventure ever. We have been outdoors much of the time for years now, just not completely outdoors. We love our indoor space and look forward to someday striking a different balance, but this year we are playing it as safe as possible in the open air. The children and teachers are completely acclimated, 25 degrees is now a comfortable day, 35 is a heatwave. We have open shelters, heaters, and fire pits.
The whole preschool community sends a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped make our outdoor classroom a reality.
There will be no school on Monday, Jan. 18, and Tuesday, Jan. 19, for MAUSD students.
Until next time … A Year From Now You Will Wish You Started Today. This Is The Beginning Of Anything You Want. Believe You Can And You’re Halfway There.

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