
Letter to the editor: Garden club explains local window box project

As Co-Presidents of the Middlebury Garden Club we are delighted to thank the Independent for the recent photos of some of our work in the town of Middlebury. While working on Main Street, pedestrians asked us a number of questions. So we appreciate this opportunity to tell the community a bit about this holiday project.
Thirty-five of our 76 members worked at staggered times over a six-day period. We wore masks and safely distanced while decorating the window boxes and urns in front of businesses on Main Street and Merchants Row. We were also asked to decorate the empty windows in two shops. And, as an extension of our summer work in the Henry Sheldon Museum Garden, we decorated the museum’s front porch. Club members who had plant materials to share brought them to a central outdoor location in Middlebury where the decorators could collect whatever they wished to use.
Our members come from 10 towns in Addison County. Our club is open to men and woman who are interested in gardening, conservation, beautification and volunteerism. We are a registered nonprofit and always welcome new members. Visit our website for complete information about our projects, lectures, and workshops at middleburygardenclub.org.
Peg Lawrence
Marilyn Needham

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