
Vergennes Police Log: Police catch burglars in the act

VERGENNES — Vergennes police on Sunday arrested a Vergennes man and a local juvenile and cited them for burglary and unlawful mischief for allegedly breaking into more than 40 containers at Town and Country Self-Storage on Panton Road and another roughly half-dozen nearby recreational vehicles. 
Police said they cited Will C. Phillips, 23, of Vergennes and a juvenile male. Chief George Merkel said officers were patrolling the area because of break-ins reported to and investigated by his department on the previous Wednesday.
When they arrived on the Sunday patrol, police allege they found Phillips and the juvenile on the scene “in the process of breaking and entering cold storage containers.” 
Police then made the arrests for committing at least 43 break-ins into storage containers and the RVs parked nearby. 
Merkel also alleged police found stolen goods in a car and in a home connected to the alleged burglars. Renters of the burglarized containers and the RVs were being contacted earlier this week. 
Between Nov. 9 and 15, Vergennes police conducted 22 directed patrols, including the productive one on Panton Road that led to the citations; seven foot patrols; and two property watches. They also: 
On Nov. 9: 
•  On Route 7 in Ferrisburgh assisted Vermont State Police with a mother whose child was sick and experiencing seizures.
•  Took a report from a Vergennes Union Middle School student who lives in Panton that he had received a threatening SnapChat message from another teenage male about what was believed to be his political affiliation. Police said the incident did not take place at school, but was addressed by school officials.
On Nov. 10: 
•  Went to Green Street along with the Vergennes Area Rescue Squad to help a man who appeared delusional. Responders determined the male had not taken his medication, and VARS took him to the UVM Medical Center.
•  Contacted the owner of a barking dog on South Water Street; she said she would take care of the issue.
On Nov. 11: 
•  While conducting motor vehicle enforcement on a highway-safety grant, an officer helped a motorist on Route 7 in Salisbury whose vehicle had broken down by staying with the vehicle until a tow truck arrived.
•  Checked the welfare of the owner of an RV parked in the Ferrisburgh Park and Ride, who had not been seen for a couple of days. Police talked to an acquaintance, who said the owner had probably taken a trip on his motorcycle.
•  Calmed a woman on Main Street who approached an officer and demanded he pay for a candy bar for her at a local store, demanded copies of a report from the Vergennes Police Department in which she was involved, and attempted to touch the officer’s pepper spray and sidearm.
•  While on foot patrol found a blinking light on the loading dock of the U.S. Post Office on North Green Street and contacted a keyholder.
On Nov. 12:
•  Found two unlocked businesses on Main Street while on foot patrol, secured the premises, and left a card at each.  
•  Investigated what appeared to be an attempt to steal a barbecue grill and a bench from outside the City Limits bar on Green Street.
•  Tried to find two vehicles that were reported speeding on Monkton Road, but were unable to do so.   
On Nov. 13 began investigating a case of home improvement fraud on Thomas Circle. Police said the suspect requested $1,750 for materials and never returned to finish the job, and that charges are possible in this case. 
On Nov. 14:
•  Helped a motorist get into a locked vehicle on New Haven Road.
•  Received a wallet belonging to a local resident that had been found on Main Street and returned it to its owner.  
On Nov. 15: 
•  Dealt with a noise complaint at a Hillside Drive apartment. 
•  Received a wallet left at a Monkton Road business and began trying to contact its owner.
•  After receiving a report of a suicidal male near Vergennes from a California Suicide Hotline, determined the caller was in Monkton and notified Vermont State Police, who contacted him and arranged and transport to Porter Hospital. 

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