
Letter to the editor: Thank you, Bernie Sanders

Dear Senator Bernie Sanders, 
I told myself to write this thank you letter, months ago.
Here goes …
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for introducing ideas into the minds of the majority of Americans. These ideas have a staying power because they can help our nation heal. Who knew you were going to be a “doctor in the house”?
Yes, in order to act on the foundational beliefs set forth in our Declaration of Independence, that all men (an addition: and women and everyone in between) are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we need:
•  Universal healthcare
•  Healthy housing and thriving communities
•  Access to healthy food and clean air and clean water
•  Worthwhile work and a livable wage
•  Access to quality education
•  A justice system that does not discriminate, that works with human beings, so that penitence and renewal can happen
•  A society that celebrates the arts and acknowledges science
•  A society whose members can practice their spirituality
•  A society whose members can be who they are and express their sexuality
•  Acknowledgement of climate change and a plan of action
•  A society without voter suppression
•  A society where every vote is counted
Thank you for all your work in the Senate.
Stay healthy.
Keep speaking up.
Blessings to you and to your family.
Patricia Heather-Lea

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