
Middlebury Police Log for Oct. 8

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police investigated a report of a person overdosing on drugs in the South Village Green apartment complex on Oct. 1. 
Police said Middlebury Regional Emergency Medical Services (MREMS) took the person to Porter Hospital.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
•  Responded to reports of a loud neighbor in the Mead Lane neighborhood on Sept. 28.
•  Responded to a customer-employee dispute at the Champlain Farms store on Court Street on Sept. 28.
•  Collected drug paraphernalia that was found at the Charter House warming shelter on North Pleasant Street on Sept. 28.
•  Assisted a Court Street business with a trespassing complaint on Sept. 28.
•  Took into protective custody a drunken man who had been treated by MREMS in the Court Street area on Sept. 29.
•  Assisted a Court Street resident on Sept. 29 who said someone had stolen, forged and cashed his check.
•  Received a complaint on Sept. 29 about some college students partying in the East Middlebury gorge on Sept. 29.
•  Assisted Vermont Fish & Wildlife officials with an injured bobcat off Quarry Road on Oct. 1.
•  Investigated a report of a “horrific odor” off Piper Road on Oct. 1. Police said they detected an odor of burning plastic, but couldn’t find the source of the smell.
•  Helped a woman who had been experiencing a mental health crisis in the Court Street area on Oct. 1.
•  Received a report on Oct. 1 about a local man allegedly being scammed regarding a job offer. The case remains under investigation.
•  Investigated a report of a drunken man who had fallen asleep and was bleeding at a South Pleasant Street location on Oct. 1.
•  Served a no-trespass order on Oct. 1 on a person not wanted at Shafer’s Market & Deli.
•  Investigated an alleged theft from a Washington Street business on Oct. 2. Police said they served no-trespass orders on suspects in the case.
•  Responded to a noise complaint in the Creek Road area on Oct. 2.
•  Responded to the Addison County Parent/Child Center on a report of a “juvenile problem” on Oct. 2.
•  Responded to a motorcycle crash, with injuries, on Route 116 in Bristol on Oct. 3.
•  Investigated a report of people using flashlights behind a Painter Road home on Oct. 4. Police said they found people looking for a dead deer.
•  Assisted MREMS with a medical call off Court Street Extension on Oct. 4.
•  Responded to a report of a vehicle leaving the scene of an accident on the McDonald’s restaurant parking lot off Route 7 South on Oct. 4.
•  Served court diversion paperwork for “alcohol consumption” on a minor following a traffic stop on Route 7 South on Oct. 4.

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