
Letter to the editor: Issues say vote for Zuckerman

I urge all Vermonters to vote for David Zuckerman for Governor. He is by far the best candidate and will fight for economic, environmental and racial justice for all of us. We need someone to support policies that address our environmental crisis, create a green economy, support paid family leave, and other issues for the wellbeing of us all.
Phil Scott is a nice guy, and his administration has handled the pandemic here in Vermont well. But you can’t base success as a governor on that one issue alone. For the last four years he has continuously stonewalled efforts to raise the minimum wage, support paid family leave, resisted efforts to tackle cleaning up Lake Champlain and our waterways as they get worse, and vetoed the Global Warming Solutions Act. He has also steadfastly been against raising any taxes or fees that would have addressed these important areas, and hasn’t been able to work with the legislature to come together in common cause. He just has no vision! Fortunately the House and Senate have been able to override two of his vetoes, and will continue to as long as Scott is there and is out of step with our values.
We need to keep electing Democrats and Progressives in Vermont, and who can work with a governor like David Zuckerman to move our state forward!
Bruce Acciavati

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