
Letter to the editor: Holmes is the right choice for high bailiff

I want to express my deep faith in Ron Holmes as candidate for High Bailiff. You may not see his name on too many T-shirts, bumper stickers, or pens around Addison County, but you will see his name everywhere it matters. You will see his name associated with the Porter Hospital Auxiliary, and the National Sheriff’s Association, as he is a member. You will see his name in the N.E. Police Chief Association and WomenSafe, as he is a proud supporter.
Ron was born and raised in Addison County, he understands the people and the community. He is not about the hoopla associated with all the gadgets people use to get elected. Ron is honest, hard-working, sympathetic and empathetic to what the needs are in this community. After 25 years as an Addison County Deputy Sheriff he has earned your vote. Ron Holmes 4 High Bailiff.
Audrey Peck

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