
Letter to the editor: ‘Defund police’ idea has merit

The Addison Independent of July 2 did quality reporting about racism in Middlebury, Vermont.
People of Color describe nasty situations involving primitive local racists, Middlebury Police, and senior white supremacist professors at Middlebury College. No level of education worked for them.
I hope many of these people will go back under their rocks when Trump is gone next year.
Too many teachers and their students go along with the majority that reads only required items. They are “educated” by machines programmed by corporations and politicians. 
For all people in Vermont, we need a decent minimum wage and parental leave. Social services and jobs on public infrastructure can be paid for and also create more wealth. A wealth tax could pay for a single-payer health care system.
Bernie advocates cutting the military by 10%. Add police, and other enforcement agencies, and jails to that list.
Geoffrey Cobden

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