Mitch Clark wins Land Stewards Award
ADDISON — Mitch Clark of Addison recently received one of nine Land Stewards Awards presented by the Vermont Land Trust, along with a check for $250. Clark was nominated for the award by Bill Van De Weert, his agricultural instructor at Vergennes Union High School, who cited Clark’s work ethic, positive attitude, and farming skills.
Clark works for his cousin Ethan Gevry, who owns Champlain Valley Farm and who won the Land Stewards Award himself in 2014. Clark helps Gevry with his hog and cropping operating by feeding, trucking, and haying.
As a member of FFA (Future Farmers of America), Clark participated in the National FFA Agricultural Mechanics and Technology Competition in Indianapolis. After graduation, he plans to continue work at Champlain Valley Farm.
The Vermont Land Trust has recognized outstanding high school juniors and seniors since 2005. The award recognizes their dedication to agriculture and forestry. “The importance of our rural economy and local food is clearer than ever,” said Nick Richardson, president and CEO of the Vermont Land Trust. “The students who received this award are our future farmers, sugarmakers, and forestry professionals. Vermont’s working lands and rural communities need innovative young entrepreneurs like these, and we are thrilled to honor them.”
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