
Letter to the editor: Chief Hanley is a great leader

We have many treasures here in Middlebury. One of them is the Addison Independent, which Stephen Terry rightly praised so highly in his Community Forum column April 30.
Another treasure is Tom Hanley, Middlebury Police Chief and Emergency Management Director during this crisis. Almost daily, Chief Hanley writes and circulates Emergency Management Bulletins. These are not only highly informative; they are also extremely well written, with literary references, fresh metaphors and always a touch of humor. Humor is especially welcome these days!
For those of you who don’t already receive these bulletins, I encourage you to sign up on the Town of Middlebury email list.
Writing these daily bulletins is but one of Chief Hanley’s many duties in what must be very long days at present. He also continues to lead the Middlebury Police Department, as he has with such competence and sensitivity for almost 30 years. He richly deserves thanks and praise from all of us.
And we can look forward to some future time when Chief Hanley can once again assume his musical alter-ego as leader of O’hAnleigh’s Irish ensemble, playing at our local farmer’s market and venues all around Vermont and neighboring states. We expect the chief is looking forward to that as well.
Frank and Janet Winkler

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