OV senior Livia Bernhardt wins scholarship
LEICESTER — Livia Bernhardt has been named the Good Citizen Scholarship Contest Second Place winner for Vermont, the local chapter of the DAR announced.
The Leicester resident received this award based on letters of reference, school activities, service to community, school transcript, her responses to contest questions, and her future plans.
She was required to write an essay without prior knowledge of the subject within a two-hour time limit and without reference material. This year’s essay title was “Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving It” with a focus question “You and your peers are our nation’s leaders of tomorrow. How would you energize America’s youth to fully engage as effective citizens? Why is that important?”
The Vermont State Society awarded Bernhardt a certificate and a $100 cash award in recognition of her achievement and as a student who exemplifies the DAR good citizen qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism.
Livia Bernhardt is the daughter of Greg Bernhardt and Hannah Sessions and is a senior at Otter Valley Union High School.
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