Vergennes Police Log: Advice on phone scams
VERGENNES — As unwanted calls continue to arrive on local phones, on March 11 Vergennes police heard from a Main Street man. He had heard from a caller who told him he must return the call immediately or he would be arrested.
Police told the complainant it was an attempted scam. As always, police advised him not to answer calls from unknown numbers.
Between March 9 and 15, Vergennes police also ticketed 10 cars left out overnight on city streets in violation of the Vergennes wintertime parking ban, and they conducted six special traffic details around the city, during which they warned three drivers.
During that week, Vergennes police also:
On March 9:
• Assisted the Addison County State’s Attorney’s Office by providing information on a pending court case.
• While conducting a downtown foot patrol assisted an elderly man into his home.
• Responded to a report of people walking around a Green Street apartment building with flashlights. Police spoke to the individuals, who said they were attempting to contact someone who lived upstairs in the building; they left when their efforts failed.
On March 10:
• Provided an interview room to the Vermont Department for Children and Families.
• Heard from a pedestrian that the front door of a West Main Street building looked to be ajar; police checked the building and determined it was secured.
• On Macdonough Drive investigated a possible abuse prevention order violation via social media; they are still investigating an allegation that an ex-boyfriend of the complainant may have used another person’s Facebook account to contact her.
On March 11:
• At a stop of a tractor-trailer truck at the intersection of Routes 7 and 22A in Ferrisburgh discovered defective equipment and a logbook violation.
• During a downtown foot patrol found that one business was unsecured.
• Helped a driver get into a locked car at Small City Market.
• Ticketed the driver of a tractor-trailer unit for speeding on Main Street, allegedly for traveling 50 mph in a 30 mph zone, and identified what police called numerous other violations.
• Assisted the Vermont State Police by performing a Drug Recognition Evaluation at the city station.
On March 12:
• Went to Walker Avenue to check a report of a suspicious vehicle being parked outside of the complainant’s apartment; police learned the owners of the vehicles had permission to park there.
• Assisted Vermont State Police with a vehicle pursuit that started in Vergennes and ended in Ferrisburgh; city police said state police arrested the driver of the vehicle for attempting to elude a police officer, an outstanding warrant, criminal driving while license suspended, reckless endangerment and grossly negligent driving.
• Checked the welfare of a female resident of Victory Drive, who was determined to be OK.
• Advised a South Victory Street resident who was having difficulty with past residency issues in Bristol and Middlebury.
• Removed a sticker for the Patriot Front, a white supremacist group, that had been affixed to the crosswalk device at the intersection of South Water and Main streets. Police said they patrolled the area, but were unable to determine who put the sticker there.
On March 13:
• Conducted two property watches of Main Street area homes at the request of residents.
• Conducted crosswalk enforcement operations in the downtown area and saw no violations.
• Assisted a female resident who had received unwanted communication from a former boyfriend; police told him not to contact the complainant again.
• Dealt with a report of illegal dumping from the owner of the Vergennes Laundromat; police identified the owners of the trash, and as of Tuesday were still trying to track them down.
On March 14:
• Sealed three criminal cases for the Addison District Court.
• Checked the welfare of a Cataract Lane resident who was experiencing emotional difficulties; police put the resident in contact with counseling.
On March 15 notified the Vergennes Department of Public Works that a vehicle had knocked down a School Street stop sign.
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