
Letter to the editor: Neo-liberalism is the enemy of U.S. democracy

Mitch McConnell laughed as he bragged about killing democracy in the U.S.A. “We the people” is being replaced with “We the rich.” He has been a leader in neo liberalism, and getting away with it.
Neo liberalism has “neo” for “new” and “liberalism” for “freedom,” where they mean freedom for very rich people to do what they want. And that means freedom to save money by dumping toxic wastes in rivers, treating workers as useless trash and paying as little as possible so they can get as rich as possible, and keep unions away so that workers have no representation. In other words, get rid of the laws that people worked for to make life less miserable.
Rich people are upset that taxes that they pay are paying for such income bleeding frills like clean water and air. The air and water are clean around their protected compounds so why is anyone complaining?
McConnell has blocked legislation in Congress that would make the U.S. a cleaner and safer place. He has prevented people from becoming judges since they might support Liberal (which means freedom from rich people trampling on clean air and water and good jobs with good pay and other ways to make this country great) causes, which might cost rich folks some of their excess money. Remember he prevented an appointment to the U.S .Supreme Court for months, “since it was too close to an election.”
Donald Trump may seem like a bumbling fool, but he listens to neo-liberals and helps that cause. His “Make America Great” is really about neo-liberalism and taking freedom and democracy from our citizens.
Do a search on neo-liberalism to see where it came from and what it is doing, and realize just how harmful it is to our nation. We must defeat neo-liberalism and preserve the U.S.A.
Peter Grant

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