Note of appreciation: Thanks to all who supported the Brandon holiday auction
The Nov. 24 Brandon Free Public Library holiday auction, sponsored by The Friends of the Library, was once again a successful afternoon. We are so grateful for the many ways people find to support the library. Our community businesses, organizations, and individuals are all so generous.
We have many people to thank, without each group and each individual, this event would not be possible. We hope that we have missed no one.
Auction donors
Maria Ammatuna, Salvatore Ammatuna, Anonymous, Mary Bagley, Ann Bandy, Line Barral, Gourmet Provence, Café’ Provence, Bob & Deb’s Sugarhouse, Marie Bradbury, Pete Brainerd, Melonie Bushey, Marianne Buswell, Bernie Carr, Beth Carr, Carr’s Gifts, Annie Chartrand, Brandon Florist Shoppe, Jean & Gene Childers, Steph Choma, Kathy Christensen, Rainy Corsey, Peg Donahue, Joan Drew, Charlie English, Sally Faber, Jack Fillioe, Carol Fjeld, Hannah Fjeld, Betty Forman, Wendy Frederick, Friends of the Library, Friends of the Town Hall, Sue Gage, Kathy and Harry Hirschberger, John Hoare & Linda Hickox, Phoebe Hogg, Bruce Jenson, Caleb Kenna and Warren Kimble.
And also Pamela Kingsley, Dick & Debbie Kirby, Jim Leary, Nancy Leary, The Home Shop, Dorothy Leysath, Edward Loedding, Lisa Limoge, Orwell Yoga Barn, Jill Listzwan, Sue Livingston, Mary Fran Lloyd, Gary Meffe, Nancy Meffe, Jay Mitchell, Chris Naylor, Barbara Nelson, Heather Norton, Joni Osterhaudt, Carl Phelps and Nan Jenks-Jay, Miller Hill Farm, Kathy Rausenberger, Wayne Rausenberger, Judith Reilly, Laura Rideout, Lorraine Rimmelin, Nancy and Larry Rowe, Barbara Ryalls of Holland, Penn., Nancy Saltzman, Courtney and Jon Satz and Woods Market.
And also Judit Schneider, Brandon Yoga Center, Jan Smith, Chloe’s Woolies, Shelagh Smith, Mary Ann Sullivan, Bruce Summa, Edna Sutton, Brandon music, Nora Swan Croll and Sam Stone, Swan & Stone Millinery, Linda Thomas, Bobbi Torstensen, Village Spa, Jeff Wallin, Allie Walter, Ellen Walter, Blue Moon, Suzi Watters, Bob Weaver, George Wetmore, Sue Wetmore, Allon Wildgust, Sallie Willis, Ashley Wolff and Steven Zorn.
Auctioneer: Bernie Carr
Auctioneer Support: Steve Carr, Gary Meffe, Bill Moore, Steph Choma, Carol Fjeld, Phoebe Chestna, & Caitlin Carr
Volunteers who gave countless hours before, during and after the auction: Bobbi Torstenson, Betty Forman, Patty Reynolds, Allie Breyer, Sue Wetmore, Sue Stone, Lynn Wilson, Steph Choma, Laura Rideout, Sue Gage, Steph Gutman, Bert Torstenson, Stacey Doucette, Jason Mitchell and Darcey Wijsenbeek.
We also thank all of our patrons and friends who brought in refreshment donations the week before the auction. Your commitment to the library is truly humbling.
We especially thank all those who attended the auction and continue to support the Brandon Free Public Library. Best wishes for happy holidays!
Molly Kennedy, Beth Carr, Joni Osterhaudt and the Board & Friends of the Brandon Library
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