Vergennes Police Log for Nov. 21
VERGENNES — Vergennes police on Nov. 13 cited a Northlands Job Corps student for simple assault on another student, and police said he pleaded guilty in Addison Superior Court’s Criminal Division the next day and was convicted and expelled from the Job Corps program.
Convicted, according to city police, was Shalom B. Fenton, 22, of Fredrikstead, Virgin Islands. According to police, Fenton tried to steal the other student’s X-box, and then hit him repeatedly in the face while also using what they called “hate-motivated language.” Police said the victim was taken to Porter Hospital for evaluation and treatment.
In other incidents between Nov. 11 and 17, Vergennes police:
On Nov. 11:
• Conducted a traffic detail on Monkton Road and ticketed one driver.
• Heard from a resident who hit a pothole on West Main Street and sustained a damaged rim and a flat tire.
• Heard from the driver of a tractor-trailer unit that his vehicle was struck from behind by another vehicle that then left the scene; police said they did not have enough information to investigate.
• Responded to a report of a vehicle being operated erratically on Main Street, but were unable to find it.
On Nov. 12 went to help Bristol police deal with a man reported to be suicidal and in possession of a gun; police determined the male had taken medication and had a realistic-looking pellet gun.
On Nov. 13:
• Assisted a motorist whose vehicle had run out of gas on Route 7.
• Received a complaint from a Ferrisburgh resident who had received bogus documentation on being a lottery prizewinner in an attempt to scam money.
• Responded to a report of a service dog being stolen; the dog was later found. Vermont State Police helped city police.
On Nov. 14:
• Assisted the Vergennes Area Rescue Squad with a Northlands student experiencing a psychotic episode; the student was taken to Porter for evaluation and treatment.
• Went to Northlands to help campus security deal with a male student who was out of control and refusing to leave the campus; police helped convince the student to leave without further incident.
• Dealt with a minor two-car accident on Main Street.
• Went to Plank Road in Ferrisburgh to help VSP process a drunk driver who had driven off the road.
• Went to Hillside Drive to help VSP try to find a female juvenile who had run away from home and reportedly had suicidal tendencies.
• Conducted two traffic details in several sites around the city and issued one warning.
On Nov. 15:
• Conducted a traffic detail on Monkton Road and saw no violations.
• On Route 22A cited Harrison J. Unger, 25, of Jeffersonville for excessive speed for traveling 85 mph in a 50 mph zone, passing unsafely, and operating a motor vehicle with suspended license.
On Nov. 16:
• On traffic details on West Main Street and Panton Road ticketed three drivers.
• Warned a driver for following a school bus too closely on Route 7.
• Went to West Main Street to calm a verbal dispute between a divorcing couple over belongings; police told the parties they needed to seek legal counsel in dealing with the civil complaint.
• Calmed two women arguing on Main Street.
• Went to North Street to calm down a male resident of an elderly care facility who had been drinking and acting disrespectfully to other residents and to staff.
On Nov. 17:
• Issued a $9,017 ticket to a tractor-trailer unit for driving on Monkton Road while 52,000 pounds overweight, and issued a second ticket for $220 for not carrying a required permit.
• Ticketed one driver during a West Main Street traffic detail.
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