
Letter to the editor: VSP wrong on bias incident

I read with some relief when the state police claimed that the recent harassment at and vandalism to Mexican farmworkers’ homes in Bridport was the result of a feud over access to a fishing spot, and not directed at these folks for who they are.
That relief vanished after talking with the main victim of this harassment, whose home was visited two nights by a group of men yelling, firing shots or setting off fireworks and hitting the house, including his air conditioner that was in an unlocked window. He is a Mexican immigrant and so is his wife. They have young kids. He is a dedicated husband, father and employee at a nearby farm. He has become a highly valued, skilled worker there over the past 10 years. And the farm has no connection to any fishing spot. None. They are not involved in any feud with any of the men now accused of the crimes.
My friend’s family was terrorized, and they don’t like to think about why they were targeted. They really like their life in Bridport.
I don’t know why the state police decided to portray these incidents as something they were not. Nothing to see here folks, just some rural feudin’ – don’t be concerned. I like to think it is so they can keep investigating quietly, but with great urgency. Our state police are good folks with tough jobs. And when someone calls them to report a crime, as my friend did without hesitation, our state police treat them as victims and witnesses. They don’t care where they came from. Let’s hope they are treating the terror this family felt with the pursuit of justice it deserves.
Peter Conlon

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