
Editorial: Offer your feedback on proposed bike loop

If you’re a bicyclist interested in developing a more-defined route between Middlebury, Bristol and Vergennes, don’t miss a meeting this coming Thursday, 7-9 p.m. at the New Haven Town Hall.
Spawned by public interest in developing safer commuter routes, as well as recreational bicycling, a group of Middlebury College students developed what is being called the Triangle Bike Loop, a group of lesser-trafficked roads that link the three communities. Consultants will be on hand to lead the discussion and collect comments from interested residents, including those who use the roads for driving, walking, running or biking. The meeting format is set up to allow for residents to drop by for 15 or so minutes to learn about the plans and offer suggestions, though it will lead off with a more formal presentation and discussion.
Planners are trying to stay away from busy thoroughfares, including Route 7, and are instead looking at such roads as:
• Maple Street and Quaker Village Road in Waltham.
• Green Street and Middlebrook Road in Vergennes.
• Plank Road and Carlstrom Road in Bristol.
• Halpin Road, Painter Road, Munger Street and Weybridge Street in Middlebury.
• North Street in New Haven.
Plans call for community discussion to continue through the fall and to be developed into a finished plan by Spring 2020, at which time town leaders and the consultants will seek various forms of funding.
It’s a multi-year process, but if you want to provide your input, now’s the time to do it.
Angelo Lynn

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