BURLINGTON — Two VTeen 4-H Science Pathways Cafés will be offered this fall to give Grade 7-12 students an insight into the science behind medical diagnoses and infectious diseases. University of Vermont (UVM) Extension 4-H will sponsor the cafés, which are planned and run by a teen leadership committee. There is no charge to attend although preregistration is required. The first café, “When Will I Know the Results?” on Oct. 19 will focus on biomedical science. The café will be led by Katrina Moreau, clin … (read more)
BURLINGTON — Students in grades 7-12 can get their hands dirty learning about soils, geology and other earth science topics at a free VTeen 4-H Science Pathways Café on Saturday, Sept. 28, in Burlington. The café, which includes free pizza and drinks, wil … (read more)