UVM garden conference to be held online Dec. 7

How do we invite nature into our gardens? This will be the question explored at this year’s University of Vermont (UVM) Extension Garden Conference.

Got questions? Ask an Extension Master Gardener

Wondering when to plant your tomatoes? Confused about composting? Or maybe you need some advice on caring for your lawn.

Ask a master gardener: Winterberry, a native of lasting beauty

Dominated by shades of gray, the landscape appears bleak in winter. Look closer and you may glimpse muted mauves in the distant mountains or the warm glow that envelopes the land at the golden hour. If that doesn’t satisfy your yearning for color, conside … (read more)

Five gardens to visit from home

When planning a foreign adventure, adding a garden to the itinerary is an ideal way to be outside, avoid large crowds and leisurely explore on a budget. You’re able to see sweeping landscapes designed by architects as well as exotic plants up close. And y … (read more)

Home horticulture class set to begin Jan. 17

BURLINGTON — Whether you are an experienced gardener or just starting out, the University of Vermont (UVM) Extension Master Gardener online course can help you expand your home horticulture knowledge. The upcoming course will run from Jan. 17 to May 22 an … (read more)