This book will knock you out

“I’m probably the only author on Earth promoting his book by saying it will put you to sleep,” quips Middlebury’s Ted Scheu, AKA That Poetry Guy.

Letter to the editor: Education on racism targets systems, not individuals

On June 10 this paper featured a strident letter critical of the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools. I’m writing to share a different perspective.As I understand it, CRT is not a curriculum. It is simply a lens through which teachers can he … (read more)

Ted Scheu’s poem to be preserved in concrete

MIDDLEBURY — Ted Scheu, by his own count, has written thousands of poems in his 65 years. The prolific writer, educator and children’s poet has a flair for putting words together. And he playfully notes that “Ted Scheu” rhymes with “poetry guy.” Well, the … (read more)