Literary historian Kim Roberts recently told the Washington Post that Vermont is the American state with the highest proportion of writers.
The Town Hall Theater’s production of “Oliver!” left the audience begging, “Please, sir, may I have some more?”
Standouts among this superflux of gods and action are Jupiter, lustily sung by the redoubtable Joshua Jeremiah, who also brings his assured vocalism and physicality to the role, commanding, as Jupiter should, the stage and attention.
Is “Orphee aux Enfers” the funniest opera of all time? Opera Company of Middlebury Artistic Director Doug Anderson thinks it is.
G.H. Hat is a multi-genre producer, remixer, composer and performer. Over the years, he has strung together one of the most interesting and unpredictable bodies of work I’ve ever seen.
Opera Company of Middlebury mastered the genre in last week’s production of Tchaikovsky’s “Maid of Orleans,” with spectacle, soaring melodies and powerhouse voices.