Letter to the editor: Medical students’ debt a flaw in Medicare plan

A recent conversation with my aunt brought to light a possible flaw with some of the Democratic candidates’ “Medicare for All” pitch. Medicare is beloved, true, and folks look forward to reaching eligibility age for it, also true. They can get excellent care from American physicians at a low cost thanks to workers’ Medicare taxes. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all just be on that plan right now? Yes, yes it would. However, how good would it be if you had universal coverage but no providers? Let me ex … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Stop demonizing candidates for big donations

There is a dangerous false equivalency in our political narrative right now. A number of our current Democratic hopefuls have been sowing seeds of falsity with their supporters that accepting large donations guarantees corruption in the White House and th … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Small steps can help with big problems

“Climate Change,” “Global Warming,” “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch,” “Fossil Fuels,” “Desertification.” We have all heard at least some of these, and, if you are like many good people out there, you want to do something. However, the sheer magnitude of … (read more)