Letter to the editor: Addison-3 incumbents have ‘proven leadership’

As Election Day approaches, I urge Addison-3 voters to support the re-election of Matt Birong and Diane Lanpher. In times as challenging as these, we need leaders with experience, proven leadership, and a deep understanding of the complex issues facing our state.

Letter to the editor: Birong and Lanpher’s experience needed for Addison-3

As Election Day approaches, the writer urges Addison-3 voters to support the re-election of Matt Birong and Diane Lanpher because of their deep understanding of the complex issues facing Vt.

Shuffle continues on the city council

For the second time in two months the Vergennes City Council will get a new face. And it will see another new member in the near future.

Letter to the editor: Level the playing field for schools

One would assume that taxpayer dollars which are diverted to independent or private schools through the town tuition program would be administered and monitored as those dollars that go directly to public schools — but that has not always been the case.

Letter to the editor: Rakowski supported for Vergennes City Council

We are writing to support Susan Rakowski for Vergennes City Council. We have all served with Sue in one of her many leadership positions.  In her many years as a Vermont resident, Sue has served this community well in so many capacities. Whether it was th … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Best choices for Vergennes

Elections are about making a choice, and the choice usually comes down to change versus status quo. As the first city in Vermont, Vergennes has experienced its share of change. Over the years, some community leaders have embraced change by making thoughtf … (read more)

Bruised feelings, debate follow alderman’s email to city police chief

VERGENNES — At a tense 40-minute personnel discussion at the Vergennes City Council last week, councilors talked at length about a Dec. 11 email sent by Alderman Mark Koenig to Police Chief George Merkel and its aftermath. Later last week Koenig acknowled … (read more)