Letter to the editor: Many reasons to vote against former president

I understand that you are planning to vote for Donald Trump. This is painful to hear on many levels, and I’ve written this letter in an attempt to talk you out of it.

Letter to the editor: Olson has right experience, temperament to serve

We need legislators who will listen to, and advocate for rural, small-town voters. Herb is ready to bring a fresh perspective to the work that needs to happen in Montpelier, and will be a strong voice for Bristol, Monkton Starksboro and Lincoln.

Letter to the editor: School district merger fans, foes share same goals

While we may disagree on solutions, we acknowledge our school districts face many difficult problems that are not easy to fix. 

Letter to the editor: MAUSD-ANWSD merger would be detrimental

Despite the Starksboro Save our School committee’s publication of our analysis that the likely tax increase was closer to 3%, the damage had been done.

Letter to the editor: Financial impact of Starksboro’s exit exaggerated

The sky will not fall if Starksboro’s vote to leave the MAUSD District is affirmed on 8/9

Letter to the editor: Where does community live?

For many of us living in the small towns of Addison County, the locus of community is without a doubt our elementary schools.

Letter to the editor: MAUSD plan to repurpose Robinson School panned

I am writing as a citizen and former Robinson School Board member to express my concern about the school reconfiguration proposal recently floated by Superintendent Reen. I know that much study and deliberation has gone into the reconfiguration concept th … (read more)