Letter to the editor: Entire state should be grateful for senator’s efforts

Vermonters owe Vermont State Senator Chris Bray a debt of gratitude for his 16 years of service in the Vermont Legislature.

Letter to the editor: The ‘arc of the moral universe’ is longer than ideal

The arc of history and all,/ you know, bending toward justice./ We seem to be somewhere/ along the upper reaches/ of that arc, where the air is thin.

Letter to the editor: Lanpher’s loss is bad for all of us

My heart sank to see that Diane Lanpher lost the election and by so few votes. It certainly shows very conflicted, ill-informed voters during these troubling times.

Letter to the editor: Affordable Heat Act is irresponsible

A reply to three lengthy commentaries/letters over the past two weeks on the subject of affordable home heating.

Letter to the editor: Now America must wake up

Now we can have more fun, not only counting Trump’s profuse lies, but now counting more ways he screws up our once great nation. He has mentioned several ways, like stopping government programs that help millions, and putting those people out of work, too … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Governor silent when it counted

There are many painful images of the recent election, but one of the most despicable is a photo of Governor Scott exiting the voting booth announcing with pride his vote for Vice President Harris. Is his apparent glee intended to mollify a months-long dis … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Raymond piece was funny, timely

At a time when our nation is so clearly and at times bitterly divided along levels of education lines (for lack of a better term), her comparison of herself (as a college-educated person) and her husband (who doesn’t have a college degree) was poignant, h … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Writer all wrong about Panton

Gosh, Doug Dows certainly sounds like he was particularly cranky when composing his recent letter!

Letter to the editor: All must ‘pull one’s weight’ to fight global warming

Steve Thurston’s recent letter restated a number of the talking points the fossil fuel industry has inundated Vermonters with for years. But that doesn’t mean his remarks weren’t personally heartfelt.

Letter to the editor: Ilsley vital to area; project needs support

Have you ever imagined our community without Ilsley Public Library? What would be lost without our library?

Letter to the editor: MREMS conducted valuable clinics at hockey rink

As an organizer of a few of the adult league nights, I am writing to express thanks and my appreciation to Deputy Chief Walker Randall and the Middlebury Regional EMS service for conducting a CPR/AED training last week at the Memorial Sports Center. 

Letter to the editor: Thank you for the honor of allowing me to serve

I am grateful to the people of Addison County for trusting me to serve them in the General Assembly for 16 years. It has been a great honor, and I have loved the work and the people. 

Letter to the editor: Panton board chair knocked

Thank you for your extensive coverage of the shortfalls and challenges of the town of Panton. The headline could have been “How to Dismantle Democracy” in a small town.

Letter to the editor: Student letter was inspiring

We need some more Ramonas in the world for a brighter, healthier and more just world.

Letter to the editor: Work together to support veterans

By the time Veterans Day arrives, the 2024 election will have hopefully ended. Many town hall events were held to inform the public of candidate positions on policy and public concerns.