
Letter to the editor: State policies make it tough to boost housing stock

The legislative breakfast held at Shoreham Congregational Church with only one Addison County Legislator, Senator Chris Bray present. Shame on the rest! There was much discussion on the housing crisis, Mr. Bray said that part of the problem was the old people occupying large houses instead of small senior living accommodations. 

It becomes apparent to me that one of the methods to make this happen is to raise property taxes above homeowner’s ability to pay. Would the Vermont National Guard round up the seniors? I fear that we will be heading toward the Japanese concentration camps during WWII. Maybe Hitler’s gas chambers.

Maybe there should be a prohibition on and state enforced eviction of all the residents converted to offices or retail endeavors. Case in point: Lawyer row, dental offices, real estate etc., on Court Street, Middlebury. Instead of another shopping mall there could be a concentration in multi-level structures for one-stop shopping. Bet the lawyers would object.

Hey, Senator Bray, you could set an example!

Another factor as I have been made painfully aware is the extensive renters rights requiring landlords to support squatters heat, light, water. No rent from October 1, 2023, through April 2024. My house will never be rented again. It was an affordable rent. Please be informed that not all landlords are the scum of the earth.

Edward Payne 


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