Letter to the editor: Middlebury Mamas draw attention to gun safety

The Middlebury Mamas want to thank everyone in the community — friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers both near and far — who helped support us in our 200-mile “Reach the Beach” Ultra Ragnar Relay race last weekend. We also want to extend our gratitude to John Flowers and the editors of the Addison Independent for featuring our story in the Sept. 5 issue. We are so proud to report that your generosity not only motivated us to reach the beach nearly two hours faster than the last time we raced this course … (read more)

‘Midd Mamas’ to run a race for gun safety

MIDDLEBURY — Elaine Orozco Hammond is a longtime runner whose repertoire ranges from neighborhood jaunts to grueling marathons. She enjoys the freedom and health benefits that come from her favorite pastime, and wanted to share her experiences with others … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Time to enact gun safety laws

A gun is a piece of artillery with high muzzle velocity and trajectory bullet. A gun is used to hunt and shoot the living, dead. Guns kill. Where do these mass shootings originate? In the mind. There is a chain reaction to every action. Pulling the trigge … (read more)