Local goat farmers explore benefits of extended lactation

“If each goat milked longer, we could essentially make more milk over time with fewer goats, also fewer replacements to raise, a plus for the environment.”

Course covers management of parasites in goats and sheep

Understanding how to manage internal parasites of goats and sheep will help prevent health issues, including those of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract.

Students learn about caring for and breeding goats

We have had a busy year so far in Sustainable Agriculture. Last spring our class purchased five Boer goats, three males and two females. The males were raised for meat, and sent off to be processed last week.

Have you heard about goatscaping?

Zora, a cashmere goat accompanied by her four goat workers, brings gentleness and peacefulness to the typically clamorous task of removing vines, shrubs and all else that resolve to grow where you envisioned a meticulously maintained lawn.

Goats go gaga over old Christmas trees

STARKSBORO — Now that the holidays are over, Addison County residents are recycling, composting or otherwise disposing of thousands of Christmas trees. Andrea Craft of Lost Woods Farm in Starksboro would love to snag a few of those, if possible. “Our goat … (read more)