Ferrisburgh dog park proposed site denied

The first choice of Ferrisburgh dog park backers for a location is now off the table after the Nov. 1 Ferrisburgh selectboard meeting.

One-acre dog park is sought for Ferrisburgh

Ferrisburgh resident Connie Houston is pitching a 1-acre dog park to town officials, one that a number of residents have supported on social media and could possibly be sited on town-owned land west of the Route 7 Ferrisburgh town office building.

Monkton dog park takes shape

MONKTON — A few weeks from now, when the first canine residents of northern Addison County and surrounding areas suddenly find themselves unleashed in Monkton’s brand-new dog park, their snuffling, howling, wagging, zoomy pleasures will be quite a sight t … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Support your local dog park

I am writing to ask your readers to consider making donations to benefit the Middlebury Dog Park. We enjoy the people and myriad of dogs who come to the park, behind Porter Medical Center, but not as much as our dog, Sophie, enjoys it. I make this appeal … (read more)