Farm group gives away thousands of gallons of milk in Middlebury

MIDDLEBURY — An effort to give away a couple thousand gallons of milk last Friday was deemed a success. At the same time that the COVID-19 outbreak has made it difficult for some families to get milk, some farmers are dumping milk that they can’t get into the supply chain. To remedy that imbalance, Vermont Dairy Producers Alliance along with Dairy Farmers of America, Bourdeau Brothers and Pleasant Valley Farms of Berkshire this past Friday, May 8, hosted two separate milk giveaways one in Middlebury and on … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Farmers deal with a plethora of challenges

Few are known more for their strong work ethic, self-reliance and ingenuity than the American farmer and more specifically the Vermont farmer. Apart from providing jobs in our community, the dairy farm landscape attracts many of our tourists and helps pro … (read more)

Relief may be coming for Vermont dairies

VERMONT — After five years of depressed milk prices, dairy farmers may be getting some relief. A prediction by one of the region’s largest dairy cooperatives says prices at the bulk tank should rise by a dollar per hundred pounds of milk over the next yea … (read more)