Addison farm corrals cows with virtual fence technology

These days it can feel like there’s an app for everything — listening to music, ordering food to your doorstep, and even managing herds of cattle.

Letter to the editor: Cow in Salisbury field will be missed

Dribbles, you will live on in our memories and our hearts.

Six loose cows shot dead in Orwell (updated)

ORWELL — Six loose cows appear to have been shot and killed Friday night in Orwell, according to a press release issued by Vermont State Police Saturday. The cows had been running wild most of the summer and fall, said Brian Kemp, who owns Mountain Meadow … (read more)

Middlebury Police Log: Police alerted to cows on the loose

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police were informed on April 26 that cows from a Munger Street farm had gotten loose and had gotten into the horse barn of a nearby property. In other action last week, Middlebury police: •  Returned, to its owner, a debit card th … (read more)