Moseley to trade library for museum

After three-and-a-half years serving as steward of Bristol’s literacy hub, Coco Moseley is taking charge of another cherished public venue — Middlebury’s Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History.

Letter to the editor: MAUSD consolidation would damage town schools

I’m writing to express my concern over the direction of the MAUSD school consolidation plan. The proposal put forth last night is going to dismantle our small town schools and create irreversible damage to our communities. I’m a resident and mother of a t … (read more)

Meet Bristol’s new librarian

BRISTOL — Coco Moseley became director of Lawrence Memorial Library in the middle of a pandemic, with a two-year-old daughter at home, knowing that her predecessor of 30 years, Nancy Wilson, would be a hard act to follow. And she has found solace in the B … (read more)