Letter to the editor: Single ballot primaries touted

Just in case you missed the signs, the Vermont election primaries are happening real soon. For most of us this stage will determine the ultimate winners because we live in a district dominated by one party or the other.

Letter to the editor: Multi-party primary ballots could boost democracy

Not one candidate so far has a plan to address the extreme partisanship that renders our congress ineffective or the apathy of voters who are essential to majority rule or the increasing influence of big money.

Letter to the editor: Politicians should support open primary process

With the announcement of Becca Balint’s candidacy to the U.S. House along with Molly Gray, we now have two strong, capable women to choose from in our next primary.

Letter to the editor: Single primary ballot needed

With the election on Tuesday now is a good time to point out the shortfalls of the present system. Voters were asked to select either a Republican or Democratic ballot for the presidential primary. Results are predictable this year but there is always the … (read more)