A LITTLE BOY gets a civics lesson while his mom votes Tuesday in the Middlebury Recreation Center, where three candidates won seats on the local
selectboard. Independent photo/Steve James
ESTHER THOMAS (LEFT) and Andy Hooper (third from left) hold signs outside the polls at Middlebury’s recreation facility off Creek Road
on Tuesday. Thomas and Hooper each won three-year terms on the Middlebury selectboard.
Independent photo/Steve James
DAVID McKINNON AND Tony Clark stand outside Goshen Town Hall to let people know where to vote.
Independent photo/Steve James
BARBARA AND GLENN Andres prepare to vote by Australian ballot on Town Meeting Day in Salisbury on Tuesday, March 1.
Independent photo/Steve James
JEN SWEENEY CHECKS a fact in the town report at the Goshen town meeting at the town hall in 2022.
Independent photo/Steve James
CHECKING FOLKS IN at the Leicester townc lerk’s office on Tuesday.
Independent photo/Angelo Lynn
PARTICIPANTS AT MONDAY’S Goshen town meeting dispense with a warning item with a show of hands.
Independent photo/Steve James
GOSHEN TOWN CLERK Rosemary McKinnon reviews state election regulations for voters on Tuesday morning. McKinnon won
re-election to her post.
Independent photo/Steve James
ANNINA SEILER (LEFT) raises her hand to ask a question at Goshen’s town meeting on Monday. Independent photo/Steve James
GOSHEN TOWN TREASURER Vickee Whiting addresses her fellow town meeting attendees at Monday’s gathering. Whiting decided to not run for re-election after more than 12 years of service.
Independent photo/Steve James
IT WAS JUST like old times … plus face masks. As we approach the second anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic and most Vermont towns again decided all of their annual town meeting decisions by Australian ballot, folks in Goshen saw the falling infection rate and decided to host an in-person town meeting this past Monday night. Here some of the three dozen participants weigh in on an article with a show of hands.
Independent photo/Steve James
A PARTICIPANT AT Monday’s town meeting in Goshen refers to the town report while following the action.
Independent photo/Steve James
GOSHEN SELECTBOARD CHAIR David McKinnon and colleague Diane O’Classen survey attendees at the tiny community’s town meeting. Goshen was one of a few communities to hold an in-person town meeting in 2022.
Independent photo/Steve James