- A FLOCK OF Stonewood Farm turkeys meander around their pen late last week. Each year the Orwell farm raises and processes around 34,000 of these birds, selling half of them throughout November and using the rest to make products like ground turkey and sausage. Independent photo/Steve James
- SOLOMON LAWRENCE, A seasonal worker at Orwell’s Stonewood Farm. Independent photo/Steve James
- SOLOMON LAWRENCE, A seasonal worker at Orwell’s Stonewood Farm, herds a flock of turkeys. Every year, Stonewood Farm raises around 34,000 turkeys, selling half during the month of November and processing the rest into value-added products like sausage and ground turkey. Independent photo/Steve James
- MIDDLEBURY REC DEPARTMENT’S Dustin Hunt accepts a donation of $5,000 from Tom Scanlon on the Middlebury American Legion for fireworks for the annual New Year’s Eve Celebration. Photo courtesy of Tom Scanlon
- VERONICA CIAMBRA WORKS to assemble the storm window inserts provided by the national non-profit WindowDressers. These inserts are reusable storm windows applied from inside the home to keep warmth in and cold out. WindowDressers and the Rotary provide the inserts for free to homeowners who qualify based on their income and financial situation. Some of the inserts also go to customers who pay full-fare. Independent photo/Steve James
- MOLLY ROBINSON AND Kirsten Coe worked together to assemble the storm window inserts provided by the national non-profit WindowDressers. These inserts are reusable storm windows applied from inside the home to keep warmth in and cold out. WindowDressers and the Rotary provide the inserts for free to homeowners who qualify based on their income and financial situation. Some of the inserts also go to customers who pay full-fare. Independent photo/Steve James
- THE MIDDLEBURY RECREATION Center was a hive of activity early this month as shifts of Middlebury Rotary Club members and other volunteers worked together to assemble the storm window inserts provided by the national non-profit WindowDressers. These inserts are reusable storm windows applied from inside the home to keep warmth in and cold out. WindowDressers and the Rotary provide the inserts for free to homeowners who qualify based on their income and financial situation. Some of the inserts also go to customers who pay full-fare. Here’s Kirsten Coe. Independent photo/Steve James
- THE MIDDLEBURY RECREATION Center was a hive of activity early this month as shifts of Middlebury Rotary Club members and other volunteers worked together to assemble the storm window inserts provided by the national non-profit WindowDressers. These inserts are reusable storm windows applied from inside the home to keep warmth in and cold out. WindowDressers and the Rotary provide the inserts for free to homeowners who qualify based on their income and financial situation. Some of the inserts also go to customers who pay full-fare. Here’s the Rotary’s Jeff Conrad. Independent photo/Steve James
- PRESCHOOLER LUCY BOWDISH walked under the blade of the newly named VTrans plow, “Super Plow Snow Pants.” Independent photo/Steve James
- MARY HOGAN ELEMENTARY School in Middlebury named one of VTrans’s snow plows “Super Plow Snow Pants.” The kids came out this past Thursday when four VTrans drivers brought “Super Plow Snow Pants” to the school and let them check out the rig and sit behind the steering wheel. Independent photo/Steve James
- FOR THREE DECADES folks interested in growing their own food from hatch to slaughter have come together at the Duclos Thompson Farm in Weybridge to process birds just before Thanksgiving. Here are Jim and Helene pulling pin feathers from turkeys last Saturday before the birds enter the chill tank. Photo by Jennifer Megyesi