MIDDLEBURY SELECTMAN ANDY Hooper, right, takes his civic duty seriously by chairing the team “The Missing Piece” at Ilsley Library’s Great Puzzle Challenge this past Saturday morning. His teammates are daughter Bea Hooper, an MUHS junior, and stepson Cullen Myers, a freshman at the high school.
Independent photo/Steve James
THE POSSIBILITIES SEEM limitless as a hand hovers over the hundreds of puzzle pieces spread about before a participant in Saturday’s Great Puzzle Challenge at Ilsley Public Library. Around a
dozen teams took part.
Independent photo/Steve James
MIDDLEBURY’S ILSLEY LIBRARY was abuzz with activity this past Saturday with a dozen teams taking part in a puzzle competition on National Puzzle Day (who knew there was one?). Working against the other teams and the clock are Sarah Yamaguchi of Middlebury and her father, Brian, who was visiting from Chicago.
Independent photo/Steve James
CORNWALL FIRST-GRADE teacher Wendy Taylor works against the clock at Ilsley Library’s Great Puzzle Challenge.
Independent photo/Steve James
MIDDLEBURY’S PHYLLIS BOWDISH enjoys puzzling at Ilsley Library’s Great Puzzle Challenge.
Independent photo/Steve James
MADDIE BURKE OF Cornwall puzzles as part of Ilsley Library’s Great Puzzle Challenge.
Independent photo/Steve James
ELLIE CLEVENSTINE, ALONG with her teammates Vicky Laven and Corinne Kehoe completed the Cats puzzle in one hour and 20 minutes to win the contest.
Independent photo/Steve James
MIDDLEBURY’S ILSLEY LIBRARY was abuzz with activity this past Saturday with a dozen teams taking part in a puzzle competition on National Puzzle Day.
Independent photo/Steve James