STUDENTS AND STAFF at Middlebury’s Mary Hogan Elementary School admire the Black Lives Matter flag that was hoisted up the flagpole along with the Stars and Stripes and the Vermont state
flag on Thursday, Jan. 4.
Independent photo/Steve James
MARY HOGAN PRINCIPAL Jen Kravitz holds fourth grader Elias Urang’s speech, which he delivered prior to the flag raising ceremony.
Independent photo/Steve James
FOURTH-GRADERS ELIAS Urang — who engineered the BLM flag effort — and Sara Miranda-Ngaiza pull on a rope to send the flag skyward at their school.
Independent photo/Steve James
STUDENTS SARA MIRANDA-Ngaiza, Elias Urang, Elise Mical and Ainsley Watson stand under the just-raised flag, which will fly through the rest of this academic year.
Independent photo/Steve James
AINSLEY WATSON AND Elise Mical carry out their usual job of raising the U.S. and Vermont
Independent photo/Steve James