
Letter to the editor: Incumbent president provides cautionary tale for all

When we see something in someone that we cannot stand; that we hate or revolt from; that is so offensive; lies, corruption, vanity, insincerity, mental instability, greed, sour attitude, etc.; it is only because we each can have some of these bad qualities deep in ourselves, and to see someone display those qualities outwardly, “no holds barred,” makes you and me cringe because it reminds us that those horrible desires are ways that we try to repress in ourselves. 
Let this man — and we all know who I speak of — remind us of our shortcomings and what we need to address in ourselves— what we need to grow away from — to aid the betterment of our souls and outwardly mankind itself. 
If this man is anything, he is a great teacher to us all of those things that must change for us all to evolve into better human beings. Let us embrace the opposite qualities to him — honesty, fairness, humility, compassion, goodness, positive attitude, mental clarity, love, respect, selflessness. We are all from the same family — the family of mankind — we are all brothers and sisters to each other, though most of us forget this.
 Joshua Orvis

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