
Letter to the editor: Affordable housing options for seniors sorely needed

Mr. Payne’s March 28 letter to the editor got me thinking about a recent article I read in Seven Days concerning aging in Vermont (Getting On: An Aging Population Is Transforming Vermont’s Schools, Workplaces and Communities). I have been thinking quite a bit lately about our living situation and what is next for us now that my husband and I are retired. Specifically, I have been thinking about the type of living accommodations that would suit us as we age.

Currently we own our home and live far enough from services that we are required to own a car. As we begin to struggle to keep up with home/property maintenance chores, finding a living situation, such as an in-town condo or senior housing, that could take some of that burden off our shoulders while providing easy access to services, seems ideal. The problem is that the scenario above is unaffordable for us in the current market. However unstainable aging in place will become for us, it is at least affordable.

In thinking about options for solving the housing crisis, I do hope quality affordable senior housing options are being given consideration along with the increase of single-family units. If we could find an affordable option that allowed me to stay in the area that we love, we’d move in a minute!

Susan Scott


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