
Letter to the editor: Give up the skin-color prejudice

None of us get to choose our colors when we are born. Specifically: hair, eye and skin. Sometimes we can and do choose to change some. Seldom does anyone remark other than positively if we change our hair style or color. Seldom does one choose to mask eye color, but it can be done. Certainly, humans discriminate plenty over other traits such as religion, politics, wealth, intelligence, body type. So why do we pick skin color to hate so often and so violently? We truly do all enter this world equal. Maybe that starts to change two minutes later, but there is no reason to deny anyone equal opportunity. Give up the skin color prejudice and treat all on their merits. My grandmother used to say “it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around.” Thank you all for the place you are in.

Alden Harwood


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